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E-Learning the future of the education system or a temporary and ineffective replacement?

  • Two thirds of parents (63%) worried kids will fall behind at school

  • Almost 60% of parents see e-learning as a good short-term replacement for face to face interaction

  • 40% of parents concerned that kids will be unable to stick to routine post lockdown

LONDON, UK, April 28th, 2020 / Leading British kids’ media company Azoomee has today revealed that, despite huge concerns about the impact of lockdown on families, 60% of parents view digital learning as a good short-term replacement for face-to-face teaching.

Questioning over 2,000 UK adults with kids, the study aimed to uncover parents’ biggest educational fears and opportunities at a time when people are being asked to home-school without any teaching experience. Perhaps unsurprisingly, almost two thirds of adults (63%) are worried that this time at home will result in their kids falling behind at school, with a further 40% expressing concerns that children won’t be able to adapt to a routine post lockdown.

The potential for E-Learning

Nonetheless, both schools and companies are trying to make this as easy as possible for parents with educational apps and virtual teaching replacing classroom- based learning. But is this really working? According to 39% of parents, screens are a great way of teaching and engaging children, although 33% admit that the actual concept of e-learning is something with which everyone is having to get to grips. With one third of parents (31%) admitting that they are struggling to get their child to learn this is however not as easy as it sounds. Despite this, 22% of parents see it as the future of the education system and a massive 75% of the population think that it has the potential to help kids of all ages.

The impact of home-schooling

But it is not just a question of sitting your child in front of the laptop for a couple of hours, as, for most parents, they need to help their children. With 66% of adults admitting that they are trying to split work and home-schooling 50/50, 33% stating that it is generally falling on the shoulders of one parent and just under a fifth (18%) confessing that they are having to do their work around home-schooling hours, it is clear that maintaining a professional and personal equilibrium is far from possible and that undue pressure is being put on their careers.

Education versus Play

Despite the fact that one quarter (25%) of parents are trying to ensure that their kids stay on track with the curriculum as much as possible, just under 50% are keen to strike a balance between learning and play. This however is not as straightforward as it sounds with only 24% of parents making sure that their kids play outside every day, within the rules of lockdown, and just over one in ten (12%) admitting that it is difficult to find good quality and engaging curriculum approved content so they are doing other things such as playing games, chatting to friends and watching TV online.

CEO of Azoomee, Douglas Lloyd, commented: “The potential for e-learning is absolutely huge if the right content is created and used in a way that positively engages children. While it is clear that this is a super tough time for parents, as a company which has developed an edutainment app, we are trying to make it as easy as possible for children to both learn and have fun both on their own and with their families.”


For further information, please contact: or Julia Herd on +44 7787 225335

Notes to Editors

Azoomee is a privately-held media company and app development studio focused on educational entertainment applications for kids. Available across connected devices and platforms, Azoomee offers a vast library of inspiring and imaginative TV shows that foster curiosity and wonder in kids. Winner of multiple awards, and BAFTA-nominated, the Azoomee app also delivers a unique selection of action-packed games, brain teasers, puzzles and creative activities, so kids can expand their knowledge while having fun. Everything’s handpicked so kids are safe to explore freely.

Azoomee can be downloaded for free from the App Store and Google Play store, and found on connected TVs and via our partnerships with Amazon, O2, Vodafone, as well as many other platforms around the world. 



